Tag Archives: Welland South School

Welland South Public School: A Memory




Welland South Public School: A Memory

By David Smith March 8, 2015

It was a school,

The pillars of knowledge still stand

All the rubble, precious memories, are at hand


A land mark vanishes, to make way for the new

The influence of childhood;

Vivid memories are true.


Concrete and steel, bulldozed away;

All those bricks, have something to say;

Mature adults, once kids in their seats;

Now they are elderly, as the building crushes in defeat;


Could not keep its doors open;

For a new generation to learn;

Memories of childhood, the present a concern;


Where the school is bulldozed, emotions are sad;

Like something taken;

Security, of Mom and Dad


It was a school, the picture says it best

Our past, our youth

To hold those memories fast.